Civilian Aviation Opportunity Awaits For You – In Maine!

Civilian Aviation Opportunity -- C&L Aviation Group

Veterans from all over the country have come to work for us.
And we’re hoping you’ll consider doing the same!

We’re C&L Aviation Group. Over 1/3rd of our staff members are prior service members, with many holding upper management positions within the company. We understand your commitment to our country and want to work with you to provide you with a good career path once you have left the military.

At C&L, we’re not your typical aviation company. We believe strongly that healthy wages and a happy work environment contribute to a better quality of life, and as such that quality is reflected in your work. At C&L, you’re more than just a pair of hands. You’re an integral part of our team and future growth plans.

And now we’re at a point in growth where we need more people. We’ve seen consistent growth of our company for many years and have big plans for the future that include additional aircraft types, increased back shop capabilities and engineering services,

See Open Jobs

Answers To Frequent Questions


Here at C&L Aviation Group, over a third of our team are military veterans.
We appreciate their efforts here and for our country. And we invite you to join them here on the team!


Maine Scenic Ocean

You’ll find that the Maine area is a great place to live and play. It’s an entire state filled with a small-town feel. Maine is well known for its 4 seasons, tall mountains, pristine coastlines, thousands of lakes, wildlife, hiking, fishing, hunting, and more. The quality and safety of its public schools and universities make Maine an incredible place to raise a family.